Set in stunning historic surroundings.

The church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Bartholomew, and Saint Guthlac, popularly known as Crowland Abbey, is a place of great beauty with a long and eventful past. As a venue for meetings, conferences, social functions, filming and photography shoots, and weddings, this most beautiful of buildings is unrivalled. The elevated conference and meeting rooms are located in a designated suite within the Abbey along with a kitchenette, dining area and lavatories.  As this living parish church has a tradition of hospitality that began with the monks of Crowland, you will be guaranteed a warm welcome whenever you visit. If you would like to find out more about what Crowland Abbey can offer your organization or group as a conference venue or if you are interested in having your marriage in Crowland Abbey, please contact us.

We have a mailing list that we use to tell people of forthcoming events in the Abbey. If you would like to be added to this, please contact us. Your details will only be used for this purpose and never passed on to any other organisation.

Contact Us
To arrange a baptism, wedding, funeral, home communion or pastoral visit contact: Rev. Mark Williams, tel: 01778 217366 or email: [email protected]

For other bookings at the Abbey contact David Searle, Churchwarden, tel: 07761 549865

Fo information on tours of the Abbey email: [email protected]

Treasurer: Sian Arulanantham
email: [email protected]

Churchyard Enquiries: The churchyard in the Abbey is now fully mapped and details are held of all known graves. If you visit and need help in locating a grave, please ask the guides who will be delighted to help. (Guides are in the Abbey from 11am to 3pm in the winter and 11am to 4pm in the summer, except when there are services or functions taking place). Alternatively, please use the contact form and we will be pleased to search our records for the details you require.

General Contact Form

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Crowland Village Guide

Crowland Abbey Guide