Special Services

Easter Sunday 20th April 11 am

Sunday 8th June 6 pm
Songs of Praise


Regular Sunday Services

11 a.m. Service in the Abbey

1st Sunday including Holy Communion

2nd Sunday – United MAP Service
(alternating between The Abbey at 11am
and Methodist Church at 10:30am)

3rd Sunday including Holy Communion

4th Sunday – All Age Service at 11 a.m.
Holy Communion service at 6 p.m.

(see left panel for special services)

To arrange a baptism, wedding, funeral, home communion, pastoral visit, or for event bookings please see the Contact page.

Pastoral oversight
Crowland Abbey is part of a Local Mission Partnership with churches in Deeping St James, Deeping St Nicholas, Market Deeping and the Ness Group.  We work together to share expertise and resources. Whilst the Abbey does not, at present, have its own parish priest, the clergy from these parishes work with us to support ministry in the Parish of Crowland.

Resources for Worship at Home

If you are unable to make it to our services you can join in with the Church of England online service available here.

Other services provided by the Church of England can be found using the links below:

Prayer for the day 

Join us in a service of Daily Prayer

Special prayers and resources around Coronavirus

Radio 4 has a daily 2min reflection and prayer and regular Sunday  Worship schedules.

Church of England – Daily Hope Phone Line. Daily Hope offers music, prayers and reflections as well as worship services from the Church of England at the end of a telephone line. The line – which is available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044 – has been set up particularly with those unable to join online church services during the period of restrictions in mind.

The Methodist-Anglican Partnership (MAP)

This is a partnership in mission between Crowland Abbey and Crowland Methodist Church. 

MAP organises Messy Church events on Saturday afternoons and Who Let the Dads Out on a Saturday morning once a month.  MAP also organises other events during the year that were previously organised by Churches Together in Crowland. See the Crowland Town Magazine for more details.

MAP also helped Crowland’s food bank get up and running. This food bank, located in Crowland Methodist Church, is now called ‘The Crowland Larder.’

Working with the Light Project in Peterborough MAP has also organized a night shelter for homeless persons for a week in the spring.

MAP also works with Hope into Action to provide help for marginalized people.

The congregations at the Abbey and Crowland Methodist Church worship together once a month.